Welcome to Our Homeowners Association By-Laws Page!

At Avon Lakes Village, we believe in maintaining a well-functioning community that upholds the values, rules, and regulations established for the benefit of all residents. This webpage serves as a comprehensive guide to our association’s by-laws, providing you with a clear understanding of the expectations and guidelines we adhere to.

What are By-Laws? By-laws are a set of rules and regulations that govern the operation and management of our homeowners association. These by-laws are designed to establish a framework for harmonious living, protect property values, and ensure the well-being of our community members. By adhering to these rules, we foster a sense of fairness, transparency, and accountability among our residents.

Key Areas Covered by Our By-Laws:

  1. Membership: Our by-laws outline the eligibility criteria and rights and responsibilities of association members. It provides information on the process of becoming a member and the privileges that come with membership.

  2. Board of Directors: The by-laws define the structure, duties, and powers of the Board of Directors. It explains how directors are elected or appointed, their terms of office, and the responsibilities they hold in managing the association’s affairs.

  3. Meetings: The by-laws outline the procedures for conducting association meetings, including the frequency, notice requirements, and the quorum needed for decision-making. It also covers the process for voting, recording minutes, and handling special meetings.

  4. Finances and Assessments: This section explains the financial management of the association, including the establishment and collection of assessments, budgeting procedures, financial reporting, and the use of funds for association purposes.

  5. Architectural Control and Property Standards: Our by-laws provide guidelines for architectural control to maintain a visually appealing and cohesive community. It covers restrictions and approvals related to property modifications, landscaping, exterior design, and other aspects that impact the overall aesthetics of the neighborhood.

  6. Enforcement and Dispute Resolution: The by-laws outline the procedures for enforcing the rules and regulations within the community. It describes the process for resolving disputes, imposing fines or penalties, and maintaining compliance with the established guidelines.

  7. Amendments: Our by-laws also address the process for making amendments or revisions to the by-laws. It explains the requirements for proposing changes, obtaining member approval, and the effective date of the amended by-laws.

Accessing Our By-Laws: You can access our association’s complete set of by-laws “Avon_Lakes_Village_Owner_Information_Booklet“. You can downloadable copy of the by-laws document, which you can review at your convenience. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please feel free to reach out to our HomeOwner association’s Board of Directors.

Understanding and adhering to our by-laws is essential for maintaining a harmonious and thriving community. We encourage all residents to familiarize themselves with the by-laws and abide by the established guidelines, ensuring that our neighborhood remains a desirable place to live for everyone.

Thank you for being a valued member of our homeowners association. Together, we can uphold the integrity and well-being of our community.

Avon Lakes Village HOA